Covid-19 Statement
Thank you for taking a moment to read the following, as we all embrace a new normal. The safety and well-being of our guests and everyone at Creative Escapes, is of paramount importance to us.
We have always maintained the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene throughout both our locations. We have now implemented a number of additional measures, in order to keep you safe from the risks associated with COVID 19, following Government guidelines. We and our guests, do everything reasonably practical to minimise the risks, and following these measures allows us to safely continue to run our Creative Escapes. This includes providing hand sanitiser, face masks and shields, as well as our en-suite rooms giving you that extra peace of mind.
Our aim is for you to feel confident and comfortable returning to our beautiful location. We expect our guests and those running your Creative Escape holiday, to comply with all our efforts and measures to prevent risks associated with Covid-19.
Be together, safely spaced. Enjoy yourselves & respect others.
Booking Policy
Should Covid-19 related restrictions prevent you from reaching the location where your Creative Escape is being held (e.g. your flight is cancelled by the airline), please let us know as soon as possible. If you decide not to travel although your scheduled flight is still going ahead, please also speak to us as soon as possible.
We appreciate that all of us have experienced worry around the possible ongoing impact of Covid-19, and wanted to help reassure you of the measures we have put in place. The following Covid-19 disruption policies apply to your booking.
Between 0-6 weeks before arrival:
If your travel arrangements are cancelled, or you decide not to travel, please let us know as soon as possible. We welcome guests from all over the world, and due to travel restrictions varying country to country, our Create Escape holiday may still run as planned, even if flights from your country are unavailable. Should the holiday still run and you are unable to travel or decide not to attend, at our discretion we may be able to re-book your Craft Holiday for an alternative date.
If we decide not to run the Craft Holiday as scheduled, we will discuss with you alternative dates. You will not however be entitled to a refund for any part of your booking.
More than 6 weeks before arrival:
If your travel arrangements are cancelled, or you decide not to travel, please let us know as soon as possible. We will work with you to select a date in the future for you to re-book your Creative Escape. You will not however be entitled to a refund for any part of your booking.
Frequently asked questions:
What if the situation changes again and I am unable to come on my Craft Holiday at short notice?
If things change less than six weeks before you are due to arrive and you choose not to, or are unable to travel, please speak to your travel insurance provider. We will in most cases be able to work with you to re-book your holiday for a date that you feel comfortable to attend your craft holiday.
What if I decide I don’t feel comfortable to travel and decide not to come on my Craft Holiday?
Please read our Covid-19 statement, which we are sure will reassure you of all the measures in place to help you feel safe and comfortable whilst on your craft holiday. Please read our booking policy, as in some cases we may at our discretion be able to re-book your holiday.
What about a refund?
We welcome guests from all over the world, and we have so far not needed to cancel any of our Creative Escape holiday dates due to COVID-19. We have instead been able to re-book our guests for dates in 2021 if they have either decided not to travel, or have been unable to due to travel restrictions. As our holidays are still able to run, we are unable to offer refunds to our guests who decide not to attend their craft holiday. Please speak to us if you are unsure about your trip and we will be happy to discuss your concerns.
If you would like to speak to us about your booking please email or telephone Karen on 07929003567